Sunday, August 30, 2009

did it really smell that bad?

I wore a navy blue sweater everyday my juinor year of high school until I lost it at a park one night. I spent the next day tracing my steps and found it all torn up and it looked like someone had lit it on fire.
photo by ChelNY

Saturday, August 29, 2009

sausage party

At this one party, there were only 4 girls and around 20 guys. My friend drank too much whiskey and started to make out with a random dude. I sat there with my head down trying to not make eye contact with the Blood For Blood sing along, the screaming guy who just dipped his dick in horse radish, and the girl who came out of the bedroom snapping off a latex glove.
photo by geckoam

leaving in style

We went to a party in an empty apartment and were asked to leave because of how loud we were being. The girl who asked us was really snobby and didn't notice that it was the crowd next to us, so we spent the next 30 minutes fucking with the boombox and eating all their food.
photo by Bryan and Jess

to the beach!

I wore my Doc Martens everywhere...
photo by Felicity Green

i'll be there for you hoohoo

We watched the movie Labyrinth a bunch of times to look at David Bowie's crotch and talk about what a bitch Sarah was to not run away with him.

half off wednesdays

We cut class a lot just so we could go to record shops and thrift stores.

keep your shoes on, your feet smell like doritos

We went to a party where we drank lime rickeys all night and watched a toy dinosaur grow 20 times its size in water. It was one of the best parties I ever been to.


I used to make shirts with dinosaurs on them...

squatting on main street

We always had to pull over to go to the bathroom on our long drives home. Sometimes we couldn't hold it and usually peed on busy main streets.
photo by Joe Shlabotnik

Friday, August 28, 2009


I joined the volleyball team in high school so my legs could get more toned. I ended up with huge man shins and a busted ankle by the end of the season.

photo by Dean Jackson

the aerostar, our first muse...

We decided to start a band when it was raining and locked out of my house. The only dry place was the unlocked broken down van, so we sat in it and wrote our first song about an older man we all were crushing on. My mom came home and thought we were hot boxing.

nice meeting you?

My friend's friend, who we just met and was wearing a fancy shirt with upside down cathedrals on it, took shrooms in my kitchen. A little while later my band played a garage show and he randomly started singing along in an operatic voice. It was the prettiest falsetto I've ever heard.

photo by Giane Portal

Thursday, August 27, 2009

skinhead fail

My friend once used too much bleach to fade his jeans and his back pockets ripped open. It looked like he had assless chaps on by the end of the night.
photo by Stuart Chalmers

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

hey, aren't you that girl?

My friend asked for a light from some guy at a loft show and leaned in a little too much with her cig. Half of her eyebrow and some of her bangs got singed off. A couple of months later the guy recognized us at a basement show and asked how her hair was. nice guy.
photo by Seth Thompson

for the cool kids

We used to sit in the smoking section of diners before any of us started to smoke...

but little do they know, one day i'll explode!

I was once grounded for painting a lamp shade I found in the garage.
photo by glindsay65

it was never meant to be...

I was too shy to give a mixtape I made to a guy I liked in high school. I wrapped it in white paper and wrote my email on the inside and wrote "pick me up" on the outside. My friend walked to his house and threw it on his front steps. I later got an email from the post office saying that the mailman picked it up.
photo by steve

my scalp is burning

We all tried to go blonde and failed miserably.

before there were straighteners

I used to take showers at my friend's house just so I could use her expensive shampoo.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

cosmic dancer

I snuck into a goth club at 17 and danced for three hours with an older man who looked like Morrissey. He had on a frilly shirt, a PiL badge, and really pointy Italian shoes.

awesome whoops!

We were banned from playing music over the loudspeakers in high school after a Russian cover of "My Heart Will Go On" accompanied by accordions and funny grunts was played during the AP exams... The lady who reprimanded us couldn't keep a serious face and kept on cracking up as she wrote our detentions out.
photo by Jon Hayes

SAT prep 101

We were hungover or still drunk while taking our SATS... We went to a party with random hardcore kids the night before and forgot that we had a test to take in the morning. We got our scores back and ended up doing awesome.
photo by COCOEN

"get some" socks

Everytime we would go out on a date with someone and wanted a little luck, we'd wear and share this one pair of worn out striped socks.
photo by sharyn morrow

lockjaw love

I put on a Sergio Mendes record and pretended to fall asleep on my couch so my friend could have her first kiss with a guy who lived a few blocks away.
photo by Richard Clark


After a night of drinking too much and making bad decisions at a basement show, we locked ourselves in a room upstairs to escape from a hillbilly punk who was kicking through the door to get to my friend, "the love of his life." We threw our purses out the window and then ourselves. It was like we were in a cheap horror movie running to the car with trembling keys, and peeling out of there ASAP. We loved it.
photo by Dan.Pan.

we believe in a land of love

We really got into renting old movies, so one night we watched The Birds. We later went to the music store to try to play New Order on the synthesizers we couldn't afford. On the way out, my friend took this picture and we ran to her car.

bruised shoelaces

At 15, I wanted to break a world record by dancing across America...

Sunday, August 23, 2009


We wanted to see Amish country, so we took a road trip to Lancaster, PA. My friend found this kid with sexed up hair on friendster to show us around. He wore huge sunglasses and said words like "deck" all the time. His tour of Amish country was a trip to the mall... We ended up leaving him and taking a tour of our own. That night, we went to a party where we danced to The Rapture's "House of Jealous Lovers" on repeat.
photo by jonrake


ep-i-dem-ic [ep-i-dem-ik]
1. A mixture of buttered popcorn and berry berry kix created by three teenage girls with bad hair.

plastic passion...

We once smoked pot using a chapstick tube and some aluminum foil. The last few drags tasted like burnt hair and cherry. After bad lyrics were written and a wicker chair was broken, we giggled passed parents and watched The Cure in Orange while dancing like Robert Smith in the basement.

photo by Brian Gaid

hey, try this grass out...

Nothing felt nicer than taking short breaks on lawns after walking over the highway to get some food with baby blue rollers in your hair. Some lawns were too choppy, while others were too long and knotty. After many tests and trials, we found a couple of houses that became pit stops while we walked to other towns for random basement shows or good playgrounds.
photo by Dylan Mason

Saturday, August 22, 2009

kmart and the rentals

When we had nothing better to do, we'd walk to Kmart and sit by the delayed automatic doors and wait for the alarm to go off and sing because it sounded like the Moog in "Friends of P."
photo by Matthew Chastain Wright